Friday, September 29, 2006

Making New Friends

Our 2nd Annual Glorieta Fly Fishing Adventure has been a huge success. Our conference saw a huge swell in attendance, basically doubling in size to something around 60. It's been great to hear how each man heard about the event. Some read articles, some word of mouth, and many guys came back from year one. From all over the USA they've come to hook a trout, and sink deep into the Word.

The conference is one in our line of Adventue Trips, and guys seem to really love them. We deal with issues men face each night when we do the bible study.

Today was my last day to slay the trout. Not much slaying but did catch a few. I thought I was going to have to whup a man today on the stream. He wasn't in our group. He was just a local who was fishing and had some pathetic stream etiquette. Came up and fished about 20 yards from me. Had he not left quickly, I'd have had to explain to him that there are miles of water here pal!

Thinking on it, I realized that most men just don't have good dads that can teach them how to be a man. I see it all the time. Not just in fishing. Things like the fact that many young men don't open the door for a lady. When they shake your hand, they mumble their name, and give a soft shake.

My dad taught me to shake a man's hand with a firm, yet not hard shake. Look him in the eye, and tell him your whole name.

Little things like that are what give a man what we call "class."

Honestly, class is something I see missing so badly in today's younger men; yet, you really can't fully blame them, because class is something that is taught. Not acquired.

So that's my beef on the man on today's stream. He needed come class. And I was about to school him!!!!

I'm so ready to go home and see my wife and son. Leave out tomorrow morning.

It's been fun, but I'm outta here!


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