Friday, June 16, 2006

Blink and It's Over + One Big Announcement

Bob Seger, one of my all-time favorite musicians, has a line in his famous song, "Night Moves" where he says, "Twenty years now, where'd they go? Twenty years, I don't know. I sit and I wonder some times, where they've gone."

I can't say much for 20 years, but for the last four weeks, I'd say, "Where'd they go?"

This blog is to be a "year in my life" so this is what I've done in the last two weeks: sat on a beach in Jekyll Island, GA, for the first vacation we've taken in 2 years. Much needed, and I absolutely did not even think of you!!!

This past week we've had some God sized things happen. We've had a super-bowl type meeting this past Tuesday. I wanted to get some of my close friends in our network together in one room. So you take people from LifeWay, BassPro, the Tennessee Baptist Convention, a few pastors ... and toss in one celebrity ... and what you've got buddy is one heck of a power group to listen to. And that's what I did. Listen.

My goal was to ask them: what can we do to take what God has done and move it ahead. It was honestly incredible. I've never been in a meeting with people like that who were so ready to be used of God through OMN.

The Big Announcement:

We've been thinking about putting together something really cool. What took us to a national level was our first DVD, "Building An Outdoor Ministry."

How about if we could offer not just an Outdoor Ministry training DVD for churches, but instead, a full-on "starter kit." Complete with 2 volumes (4 hours) of outdoor ministry training, a few hunts, and a killer filed manual upgrade. So here's what is on the horizon right now: we are currently filming Outdoor Ministry Leadership Volume 2. And it's all from actual players ... people who are doing it right now. Ministry in the real world, in real time.

I'm setting up film shoots like crazy over the next few weeks so that we can have this joker ready by fall.

It's full of real guys, just like you, some who are pastors, many who aren't. And we're covering "next level" kind of stuff like budgeting, expo events, hunter's ed classes, small groups, hosting various types of events, church hunting lease liability, and creative events on small budgets ... just to name a few.

Dude: it's going to be so completely cool. Stay with our website to see more.

And you heard it here first!

Hey - since we're literally filming Vol. 2, are there any topics you'd like us to consider that might make it to the DVD???? Any issues on the ministry front you'd like to know more about?


At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to talk today. Look forward to getting your material and can't wait to get involved.


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