Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Women Behind Us

The old cliche heralds, "behind every good man is a good woman."

Well, not always. As a pastor I watched a few older men over the years continue to grow in Christ and be productive in spite of a wife that was nothing more than a truckload of constant negativity. Yet it's true in most cases that most men who are successful in the game of life have a great woman behind them. And it's true in my case.

My wife Michelle has been put through a lot this past year. In fact, in the past 3 years. Outdoor Ministry Network was never in our thoughts when we married. Even when we launched it over 3 years ago, the movement going national was never in our expectations or on our radar. Even more, for me to leave pastoral ministry to operate this ministry full-time wasn't considered as well. Yet all of that happened, and she's just been there. All the way.

In fact, we had a long talk around the month of February about this year's turkey season coming in April. It was crucial that we captured as much footage as we could get for our ministry DVDs. I told Michelle that I'd have to be hunting probably 5 days week, but that I'd be home around normal hours. Think about that. Gone before daylight, often home by 5pm, but in the woods all day. For 50 solid days, other than Saturday and Sunday. And she never blinked. Got a little worn out, but she was solid. Fellas ... that's just God ain't it?

I wanted to so something in this blog that might all of us testostrone -filled junkies. Let's talk about how we can show our wives that we are thankful they support our addictions with the outdoors. Hunting, fishing, golf, riding Harleys, camping ... whatever your bag. My experience is that men, myself definitely included, can't get enough.

I've never needed crack. I have camo. And often, I don't know when to stop the pursuit.

One of my close confidants is a fella named Steve Chapman. He wrote "A Look at Life from a Deer Stand." You'll even see this book in airports. It's had more readers than you can imagine. Steve always says, "Earn your time outdoors." That is, don't be sitting in a tree stand knowing that she's resenting you being there. One day we were hunting and Steve had to turn on his cell and call Annie over an issue about their ministry of marriage seminars. Sitting right next to him I heard her say as she was hanging up, "Have fun." As he hung up, Steve said that those words are always an indicator that he's doing it right - when she can endorse the hunt.

So: would you mind sharing some of the secrets you use to keep mama happy with you during thsoe seasons of life when you are chasing your favorite outdoor obsession???


At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been really blessed with a wife that is 100% supportive in my passion for hunting (just as long as it doesn't come before her). One thing that I've done to ensure that my hunting doesn't take away from my time with is to take her with me. Unless it's bone chilling cold, she generally enjoys it. It's turned out to be an advantage for me in other ways too. For some reason or another, she seems to spot game before I do. The next step is to try and get her a deer this coming fall.


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