Friday, January 13, 2006

Moses ... continued

Today I've got to prepare my sermon for Sunday. It's not just any old sermon though. After that I'll inform the church of our plans to take our outdoor ministry full time.

It's weird thinking that after March 31, I won't be preaching every single Sunday. I feel an identity crisis coming my way!

Since I've been thinking about Moses lately, I figured I'd go with it. I've been doing this sermon series on prayer. This sermon I'm talking about "When God Speaks."

The way I see it, when you pray, you should expect God to speak. Lilly Tomlin once said, "Why is it that when we speak to God they call it prayer. When God speaks to us, they call it schizophrenia." That's hilarious! So when He does speak to your heart, you have some choices to make and some fears to overcome. That's me. I think it was Moses, too.

I wonder how my church is going to react? I don't think they'll be shocked at all. They've seen this thing be born and start to live on it's own. It will be very hard to find the words to say, "Hey, I'm leavin'." My wife and I love Belmont Heights so much. And you know, it's hard to find a church you love.


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