Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Go Get Your Own Wise Man - Dave's Already Taken.

One of the most common things I think people do is seek out advice without really wanting the hard core truth. That is, we want people to tell us what we want to hear.

It's pretty lame, though, to do that, don't you think? I remember reading a portion of Bill Gates' book, Business at the Speed of Thought. He said basically that if you can't handle bad news, you're in trouble. Bad news is your friend, said Gates. Without it, how can you improve?

So where am I going with this?

This whole BLOG experience is so that you can look inside my little mind and maybe we can learn some stuff together as we all talk about it. So here's something I've learned: you've got to surround yourself with really wise people if you want to succeed.

A really good friend of mine is a guy named Dave Wardell. Dave is actually ... ready for this ... the co-founder of Promise Keepers! That's right. He and coach Bill McCartney started this men's movement that spawned into what many consider to be the most influential movement of God in the last 75 years.

Dave with a big high country bull from Colorado.

I called Dave one day at his office. We spent the first 30 minutes talking about different tactics that can help you kill turkeys more effectively. Priorities, you know, must come first.

I was just needing some advice on what to do when you find yourself smack in the middle of a movement that is getting national attention, and yet you didn't intended for that to happen. Now you got to understand that Dave is absolutely the most humble man of God you'll meet. And he's famous in the Christian community. I love him because he's so consistent. Always the same Dave. Dave told me something that I'll never forget. He said, "Jason, you've got to form yourself a board of advisors - and be sure that you surround yourself with people who are not impressed by you."

Those words have rooted up in my spirit since that conversation.

One thing that God has done for me thus far is that He has connected me with men, like Dave, or Frank Waters, my finanical planner, or Ken Gregory (business partner); they are men who care about me, and yet they care too much just to stroke my own little ego.

You've got to have that if you are launching out into a new venture. The bottom line is: if you want someone to tell you what you want to hear, ask your mom.


At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I teach a related concept...not only surrounding ourselves with wise people, but with people whose strengths compensate for our weaknesses. Remember, you and I talked about how a visionary person needs a confidante who is an organizer, or a bean-counter.'s what we are after to do God's bidding. Can't have all quarterbacks or toenails!


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