Friday, March 17, 2006

Fast and Furious In The Delta

So my relentless pursuit to send turkeys on to glory has had yet another chapter added. I've been hunting the last two days here in Mississippi with our Arkansas Ministry Field Rep, Carl Weatherford, who was the camera man.

We'd not even heard a tom gobble for two whole days, until today at 11:45. At 11:50 I was placing my fiber optic bead on his nice red and white head. I've never had a turkey hunt start and stop that fast. This bird was hot man.

So I shoot, and down he goes. Problem was, Carl did not have him in the camera, like I had thought. It was just a complete cross up between camera man and shooter; it's happened before. Ultimately, it's my fault. The camera man should call the shot.

So that's what's on my mind right now. I'm about to go eat dinner with Gerry Spears, and good friend of my ministry partner Ken. A good ol' boy Gerry is. Born in Mississippi, got a degree in engineering, and went right back to farming.

You honestly have to respect that. Farming is a tough life, and we need more of them.

So I'll be back in 9 days to Mississippi. Hunting toms again. Perhaps I'll get to hunt again with Bradley Brown, and Farm Bureau insurance agent. Another Mississippi home grown super nice ol' boy. It's neat the people you meet doing this. I don't know that I've ever seen as many people so eager to let me hunt their property for the sake of our ministry efforts. It's really cool.

I'm speaking tomorrow night in Olive Branch, MS, at a Wild Game Dinner. Then back home, and leave again to speak in Thomasville, GA on Thursday. Then I'm done speaking for a while.

I'm tired man. People think I have a cool job, and I do. Really cool. But it's tough work behind the scenes. Definitely worth it. No complaints. Not ever!!


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