Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Big Meeting Today

Today I've got a big meeting with my publisher. We are looking at a 3rd book to publish. I'm really excited about it. It's going to be the first of it's kind really. I hope we can land on a concept that will work well. Wish I could tell you what it is - but I will here soon I hope.

In fact, I'm going to self-publish it if I must. It's just such a unique idea that I am absolutely certain people in my niche of life would dig it like a shovel.

It's so weird being an "author." Honest. I never really saw myself that way. It just kind of happened. The fact that anybody would want to read something you write is pretty humbling if you ask me.

My dad ask me once, "What do you think motivates an author to write?"

Dude, I could only think of one response, "Authors think that people need to hear what you've got to say!"

It's the truth though, right? It's not stuck up to think that. I mean, everyone else is talking, you just want to make your opinion official!! So you convince publishers that they should print your opinion for all the masses to read. It's pretty funny if you think about it.

I can't imagine what it must be like to be a real author, though. Like a Tom Clancy, or maybe a Rick Warren, or someone like that. Somebody who wrote stuff that millions have read. That must be tough to do. To handle all of it. I'm glad I'm not like a Hemmingway, because that would mean I'd be doing some pretty nifty BLOGing given that I'd be dead!!!

You know, there's a verse that's been stuck in my mind like glue on the bottom of your shoe.

By the way, don't you wish people would throw their used gum in a place where you, the innocent pedestrian, won't have to carry it along with you for the next 3 days! Come on people.

Anyway, it's Proverbs 16:2. It says that all of our ways are innocent in our own eyes, but the Lord weighs the motive.

Man, that's huge. Very sobering. I tell you this: God has really used that Scripture a lot in my life over the past two years. The deal is, He can make anything successful.

The real question is, "why am I doing this?" No matter if it's job related, hobbies, relationships ... motives matter to God in some big ways. I think it's because motives reveal the true nature of your heart. They are mirrors of who you are personally.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Go Get Your Own Wise Man - Dave's Already Taken.

One of the most common things I think people do is seek out advice without really wanting the hard core truth. That is, we want people to tell us what we want to hear.

It's pretty lame, though, to do that, don't you think? I remember reading a portion of Bill Gates' book, Business at the Speed of Thought. He said basically that if you can't handle bad news, you're in trouble. Bad news is your friend, said Gates. Without it, how can you improve?

So where am I going with this?

This whole BLOG experience is so that you can look inside my little mind and maybe we can learn some stuff together as we all talk about it. So here's something I've learned: you've got to surround yourself with really wise people if you want to succeed.

A really good friend of mine is a guy named Dave Wardell. Dave is actually ... ready for this ... the co-founder of Promise Keepers! That's right. He and coach Bill McCartney started this men's movement that spawned into what many consider to be the most influential movement of God in the last 75 years.

Dave with a big high country bull from Colorado.

I called Dave one day at his office. We spent the first 30 minutes talking about different tactics that can help you kill turkeys more effectively. Priorities, you know, must come first.

I was just needing some advice on what to do when you find yourself smack in the middle of a movement that is getting national attention, and yet you didn't intended for that to happen. Now you got to understand that Dave is absolutely the most humble man of God you'll meet. And he's famous in the Christian community. I love him because he's so consistent. Always the same Dave. Dave told me something that I'll never forget. He said, "Jason, you've got to form yourself a board of advisors - and be sure that you surround yourself with people who are not impressed by you."

Those words have rooted up in my spirit since that conversation.

One thing that God has done for me thus far is that He has connected me with men, like Dave, or Frank Waters, my finanical planner, or Ken Gregory (business partner); they are men who care about me, and yet they care too much just to stroke my own little ego.

You've got to have that if you are launching out into a new venture. The bottom line is: if you want someone to tell you what you want to hear, ask your mom.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Losing Weight In One Day

Well I did it. Cut the cord.

I told my church of where God was leading me in my path in following the call for Christ. I didn't flip out and was able to share with them my heart for where God was taking me. They were very supportive. And I don't think that anybody was really shocked. They'd watched this thing take form over the last 3 years.

After the service was over and everyone was leaving, I made the walk toward my office. The thought occurred to me that I felt 20 pounds lighter. All day I felt this heavy fog over me; knowing it was the thing to do, yet knowing that I'm launching out in a new direction that is different than my current church setting.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Clock Is Ticking

Today my dad and I were looking around these little shops in "downtown" Leipers Fork, TN. Downtown Leipers is akin to Mayberry! It's cool though. I go there often. Eat at Pucketts if you want some good Southern cookin'. We went into this shop where this guy makes flintlock rifles. If you're not familiar, they are old school rifles, like Davy Crockett would use. Now you get the picture, right?!

There on the window ledge was a stack of Sportsman's Bibles. The bible that I designed. I couldn't believe it. This bible has been out over a year, and I continue to find it so weird to see something you did in the stores. I still can't get use to it. Publishing a bible was one of the coolest honors I've had in my life. Very humbling.

Still, I'm nervous. The clock is ticking. Only fourteen hours until I tell my church that I'm stepping down as pastor. It's been on my mind all week. It's flooded my thoughts every hour of today. I'm so confident in what God is doing with Outdoor Ministry Network. It's just that I really love my church, and I just want this to be the right move for everyone involved.

When people say that real men cry, I won't go that far. That is, I'm no cry baby. I do believe however that a man should not be afraid to cry, so I hope that I keep it together tomorrow morning.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Moses ... continued

Today I've got to prepare my sermon for Sunday. It's not just any old sermon though. After that I'll inform the church of our plans to take our outdoor ministry full time.

It's weird thinking that after March 31, I won't be preaching every single Sunday. I feel an identity crisis coming my way!

Since I've been thinking about Moses lately, I figured I'd go with it. I've been doing this sermon series on prayer. This sermon I'm talking about "When God Speaks."

The way I see it, when you pray, you should expect God to speak. Lilly Tomlin once said, "Why is it that when we speak to God they call it prayer. When God speaks to us, they call it schizophrenia." That's hilarious! So when He does speak to your heart, you have some choices to make and some fears to overcome. That's me. I think it was Moses, too.

I wonder how my church is going to react? I don't think they'll be shocked at all. They've seen this thing be born and start to live on it's own. It will be very hard to find the words to say, "Hey, I'm leavin'." My wife and I love Belmont Heights so much. And you know, it's hard to find a church you love.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Look It In The Teeth

Today I talked with two major industry magazines in the hunting world. They are looking at doing a "human interest" feature on our outdoor ministry. Man, exposure is such a huge deal to any organization, especially our's given that it's new.

I can't tell you how much I hope they follow through with it. It would be such a gift from God. I find myself constantly wondering if our marketing budget will do the job the first year. I sure hope it does.

I think it's neat how many people have seemed so genuinely interested in this thing. It's never been done before, and I guess that's what makes it cool. I have to admit, though, I often get nervous, and I'm not a nervous person.

It's just that there are so many things at stake. I want to be sure that God gets full credit for all the good things that are happening to us, so I don't want to fail Him on that one. Then there is the fact that you have a family to take care of. Don't want to drop the ball there either. Plus, there's your financial backers. Their money is such a humbling gift and I have such respect for their backing.

That's faith though man. It's how it works. I've been thinking a whole lot about Moses lately. That dude must have been scared, too. Leaving the familiar. God is big enough - we certainly know that. Trust is hard though. Even for those of us who usually don't worry too much.

I'm just going to treat this whole thing like a junk yard dawg. Look it in the teeth and get to fighting!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Road Trippin'

I just got back from Orlando. Had to teach a few conferences for LifeWay there. They have this thing called "Rec Lab" - it's their national conference for Recreation Ministers. I taught some sessions on how to reach guys who love to hunt and fish. The guy who leads this area is John Garner, and he's a good friend of mine. Just like me in many respects - (well, except he's a lot older and has less hair) - he loves to be creative and find new ways to do ministry. Neither one of us are good at details!!

Dude ... we picked up 78 new churches into our network. Beyond belief. That puts us now in 35 states across the USA in only 3 years of operation. I can't believe that.

It was hard being away from my family for 6 days. Really hard.

I feel so sorry for people who have to travel all the time - like every week - for their jobs. I cannot imagine living out of hotels, no matter how nice they are. Pretty soon they all start to look alike.

* by the way - don't think I love to look at my own picture. I posted this one again because I am having trouble figuring out how to use this BLOG's server and this was the only way I could figure it out!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Thrown In Head First

I just got back from Atlanta. To be candid, I hate Atlanta. Always have.

7 lanes in some places. You can't get anywhere in a short amount of time. Concrete everywhere. I just hate big cities. Nashville is far too big for me if you want to know the truth.

I was at the Archery Trade Association, the nation's largest archery trade show. Meeting with sponsors, working on new sponsorsihps, shakin' hands and pattin' backs. We've got some great sponsors. Check our our sponsors page - it's got some great links. If you love to hunt and fish!

You know, as a pastor, I spent 95% of my time in a world that was full of believers. I tried to make relationships with non-believers, but it's hard. Seriously. No excuses - but think about it - just how "friendly" can you get with the cashier at Kroger or the guy who changes your oil until they start thinking you're weird? I've got some relationships I've been developing with non-believers, maybe 4-5 people. Yet pastors are surrounded constantly by a believing crowd.

Now there are some pastors that spend more time with non-believers. Mostly, though, that's cold call visits to a house where they are just doing "visitation." I've never worked well that way. I seem to have a better impact when I take the time to cultivate a genuine relationshiop with a person.

I don't think anybody wants to feel like they are a targeted "project" for a church. But people don't mind being your friend.

It occured to me while at the ATA show that I am being thrown head first into a world dominated by non-believers. I dig that. I am basically a missionary to the outdoor community. And while it's ground that has been unmapped thusfar, I find it quite humbling that God has commissioned Outdoor Ministry Network to be conduit for His cause to this niche.

On the way back I put the finishing touches on a late season elk hunt in the high country of Colorado. Going in on horseback baby! Should be at least 2 feet of snow on the ground. It's through Bar H Outfitters. Randy and Jeanne Horne. Cowboy up come November!

Thought I'd throw in a pic of the biggest deer I've ever killed. He was mid-western monster. 14 pointer. Shot that brute with my bow at 12 yards - from the ground. Eyeball to eyeball. A true Hemmingway moment!

Today's my wife's birthday. H.B.D Sweetie. Michelle is 31!! And a mom, too. A good one.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Tired & Inspired!

I'm tired man. Tired. Mainly because I cut wood for my dad yesterday. Dad had heart surgery right during elk season last fall. Quadruple bypass. So he can't lift much right now. So yesterday I went over to his house and took my Stihl MS 260 Pro chainsaw and dominated some downed hickorys like Ali whupin' up on Sonny Liston.

Let me tell you something straight up. If you ever have a need to recapture your manhood. If you ever feel boxed in from Corporate America. Strap on your boots, grab a chain saw, and let 'er eat man. Then, grab that Maul and start splitting that stuff - busting it up like a smart bomb on Al Qaeda.

I'm tired, too, because of all the work involved in starting a ministry that's never been attempted before. Man, I'm meeting with business consultants, marketing firms, lawyers who have to set up the documents for tax purposes ... dude ... I am a fish out of water.

Yet we've got to do this thing right. Not just legally, but to also get the word out there to the believers who love to hunt and fish. It's so weird in that it's so much fun and yet so exhausting at the same time. Better than having a job you hate, right?!

Today I watched John McLean talk abou fly fishing. You may have heard of John, and probably don't remember it. Ever seen "A River Runs Through It"? John is the actual son of Normal McLean, played by Tom Scaritt (the father and Presbyterian pastor). Norman wrote A River Runs Through It.

I had a thought. A good one I hope.

Much of our outdoor ministry will revolve around, in some shape of form, film production. Making DVD's for outdoor ministry purposes. They will have 2 purposes. Some will be purely designed to share the gospel with outdoorsmen, some will be for bible studies.

That's right. Hopefully by the year end of year 2, we will have a full line of DVD's that will have one full year of bible study material just for guys who like to hunt and fish.

So here's my thought. I'm going to do a DVD bible study for Fly Fisherman. I love to fly fish, and have for years.

Recently I talked with a guide, a friend up in Montana. He suggested we look at the Northwestern section near Missoula. All kinds of rivers run through there.

So I'm thinking that the summer will afford me a little time to film. I'm thinking about traveling to that Mecca of Missoula, and shooting on location there.